We are now entering the midpoint of my junior theme process. Just as a reminder, I have spent the last week or so researching the causes of the gender pay gap. I am currently in limbo, stuck between finding information and making that information into a paper. Honestly, this is a very overwhelming part of the process.
First off, I now have to organize my numerous pages of notes and absurd amount of articles into a coherent thesis. I spent over an hour today just dividing up my research into topics, and I am now worried that I may actually have too much information.
Furthermore, everyone in my class is also required to secure at least one interview with an expert on their subject. The interview can be done in any form possible. I have emailed five people at this point, and only one person has responded. Her answer was no.
I am also feeling a bit pressured because I recently found out that another student in the class is doing, word for word, the same topic I am. And me, being a standard, insecure, high school girl, I feel the pressing need to do better than her. I will try not to flip a switch if my paper sucks, but I make no promises.
Anyway, tune in next week for the exciting (read: anxiety inducing) process of writing the paper.