Monday, February 3, 2014


     I don't know if it's just where I live or what, but I though people were more open minded than this. I really did. I'm not expecting everyone to be super liberal by any means, but I'm shocked at the reactions to what was on TV last night.

    You may be confused; you may be wondering what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the Coca-Cola Super Bowl ad that, according to an article on Buzzfeed, shocked the Twitterverse.
   This was an ad that featured the song "America The Beautiful" sung in many different languages, each verse a different tongue. It was a little dramatic for a soda commercial but I though it was a really beautiful idea.
   Buzzfeed's article, titled "Coca-Cola's Multilingual Super Bowl Ad Inspired A Racist Meltdown Online". Underneath there were m many different tweets describing people's reactions. I thought, "How bad can it be?". Yeah, here are some examples of what people said (and these are the ones without swearing involved)

@CocaCola Whats with the Superbowl commercial? Do you all support Terrorists or what, bad choice in taste. I love America personally.
@CocaCola You're done. Pepsi all the way. Go to the Middle East and sell your product.
The commercial with America the Beautiful being sung in so many different languages??? #speakAmerican
So let me get this straight: America, the country that is supposed to mecca of democracy, equality, and capitalism, is against a stinking soda commercial because it featured people of different cultures and languages singing a stinking song? Really? Are we that closed minded that we're willing to send our troops to get all up in another nation's business but as soon as different ethnicities and languages sing one of our anthems we throw a hissy fit? Is that the kind of people we are as Americans? I hope not. I sure hope not. 


Anonymous said...

I thought it was a creative commercial idea. I believe the intended message may have sounded something like: "unity and respect for all cultures that live with one another within the boundaries of the United States." I see no problem with the advertisement.

Erik Liederbach said...

I think your title sums up my opinion pretty well. It's hard to believe that ignorance of that scale still exists in our country. The first comment is particularly interesting as if speaking a different language besides English means you don't like America. But I think trying to analyze these comments with logic is ultimately futile because to create a comment like that, you must not be familiar with basic logic at all.