Who's representing you? who's representing us? Surely it must be people who have our best interests in mind and know how to relate the middle and lower class. Right?
Wrong. apparently, as of an
analysis of a study conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics(CRP) more than half the people in congress are millionaires. In the House there were more millionaire Democrats and in the Senate, more Republicans. The CRP said that the median net worth for all the lawmakers in congress was $1,008,767-an increase for last year.
Courtesy of: NJNewsroom |
So now, honestly 'm not surprised the trouble we're in sometimes. I could go on a rant about House of Cards (which is fantastic and melodramatic and I do not care) but laws and bills are, in the end, put on this earth by American people- people with brains and hearts and lives. I have to wonder though: what would happen, if one person were to make a promise that they could keep, if one person could be realistic and honest, if one lobbyist could do something right, what would happen then?
I think actual good may come if we had honest lobbyist's in DC. But they are blinded by money and greed, and they do what's best for their corporate company. If someone went and lobbied for a bill that would help America, not destroy her, we would see a positive 2014. I am hopeful that people will begin waking up and making some change, which clearly has not happened in the past decade. These people will be our generation, we are going to be the "Fix it or Break it" generation.
Good job blogging this term. You have a strong # of posts and cover a broad range of topics.
This post offers a nice cartoon and a lively voice. it starts promisingly, but then doesn't really discuss consequences. Why does it matter that Congressmen are so rich? Because they are likely to be beholden to corporate interests? Because they favor legislation that protects their money?
May I suggest you check out a TED talk by Michael Sandel?
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