Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What About Them?: Part 1


        So, I don’t know if anybody’s heard but there was this huge typhoon in the Philippines. More specifically, “Typhoon Haiyan” which has left at least 10,000 dead and about 673,000 displaced. The U.N. has launched an appeal for $300 million to try and help everybody there. The city of Tacloban is said to be the worst affected, with everything and everybody in disarray.  There is a relief effort going on but with all the roads and transport areas totally destroyed, it is difficult to reach people.  This post will have to be done in two parts, largely because this post is mainly for information, and also to let you see and absorb the image and view the links below, if you wish.
WARNING: the picture I found below is one that really struck me and is a crucial image to the point that I am trying to make in the next post. However, it is a little graphic. Nobody’s head got chopped off or anything  but a few smatters of blood are visible so if you react badly to that, then feel free to close out.

A 21-year-old woman lies exhausted on the debris-covered floor at a makeshift medical facility in Tacloban after giving birth to a baby girl. The storm surge swept away her mother.”

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