Monday, October 7, 2013

In the Middle of Nowhere


        Ohio. I had never been there up until last weekend when my mom (being my mom) decided that we should start looking at colleges. But that's not the point I'm, trying to get to.
        So, after we had driven up along the interstate to Oberlin we had to get down to a little town called "Mount Vernon". We used the ever so handy GPS to guide us there and we basically took a 3-hour trip through rural Ohio. I just kept staring because growing up in the high income area that I do, I was fascinated by the run-down houses, expansive farms, and various signs that said stuff like "Wood $10" or "Carpentry Services" set up outside people's homes. I had not seen a single Walgreens and I kept on wondering where everyone went to school or got their burgers because I had seen nothing resembling shops or grocery stores. It's just weird I think, for me, addicted to Amazon as I am, to think that people might just be living a lot more simply than I was and were perfectly indifferent about it.
       The one thing that was constant in all these little "towns"-if you could even call them that- was a church. There was always some kind of skinny white church with a sign that read something like "Blah Blah Presbyterian  Church: do you know Jesus?". I was just so fascinated by everything and I think it's because I'm so used to living in a town that's pretty close to just about everything- stores, hospital, restaurants, schools- and I sometimes forget that the "water" in which I swim is not the only kind that makes up the ocean of people that is America. (BTW I'm very proud of that metaphor)

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